Discover new ways for your library to thrive during these difficult times at our upcoming virtual forum. Learn from top librarian leaders including Johnny Yuen from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Heng Kai Leong, Lead, Collections, Acquisitions and Discovery, at the SMU Libraries and many more, on how their libraries have coped with the pandemic.
Jacqueline Chia
Johnny Yuen, Michael Anthony A. Mojica, Heng Kai Leong, Amorn Petsom, Cassandra Teo
This panel will involve discussion points around the role of libraries in the new normal, bringing together perspectives from both emerging markets and matured markets in Southeast Asia. The session will be moderated by Wiley.
Celia Cheung
The institution will be sharing the new practices they embark on to educate users to process and use information effectively
Vernon R. Totanes
In this session, the faculty leader will share about 1) how they choose content, 2) use content and 3) how they collaborate or think they should be collaborating with their library to meet the faculty’s research and publishing goals.
Cassandra Teo
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