現今學研及產業環境生態變化快,第一步了解科學出版之新趨勢,以協助自身研究跟上當今出版趨勢至關重要。同時,準確了解期刊投稿生態及技巧又是另一學問,知己知彼、百戰百勝,最大化自己的研究量能。本次講座,清大化學系邀請來自Wiley-VCH德國化學出版社的出版總監Guido Herrmann,以及知名化學期刊主編Chemistry - An Asian Journal's Editor-Theresa Kueckman及Claire Cobley為我們帶來兩席精彩演講,了解科學出版趨勢及投稿實戰技巧。
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Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
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