舉凡如何選擇並投稿到對的期刊?如何降低拒稿率?介紹信(Cover Letter)很重要嗎?投稿之後要做什麼?誰會決定我的命運?期刊主編(editor)的作用是什麼?同儕評審(peer review)是怎麼運作的,其效力在當下的出版環境中是否還適用?
這些問題,我們邀請了知名化學期刊主編Chemistry - An Asian Journal's Editor-Theresa Kueckmann,從主編的角度分享更多投稿建議及技巧,協助您的研究順利登上期刊。
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Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
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