Justin Withers

Director of Policy and Integrity Australian Research Council

Justin is currently the Director of Policy and Integrity at the Australian Research Council (ARC). Justin has responsibility for implementation of the ARC’s open access policy and development of a work agenda regarding open data. As well as these areas, Justin’s team also has carriage of the ARC’s Research Integrity and Research Misconduct Policy and processes, the ARC’s international engagement strategy and outreach, general policy advice, risk management and secretariat support for both the Australian Research Integrity Committee and the ARC Advisory Council. Within the ARC, Justin previously led the Parliamentary team and contributed to policy around the Australian Government’s successful Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) initiative.

Prior to joining the ARC, Justin worked at the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research leading a small team that delivered over AUD1.6 billion annually to eligible Australian higher education providers as block grants for research and research training, through a number of performance-based schemes. Justin has also led teams responsible for the management and delivery of Australian Government international science support programs – International Science Linkages (AUD95 million) and Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AUD70 million). Justin has also been responsible for providing secretariat support to the Chief Scientist of Australia and the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC) and a number of its working groups. Before joining the Australian Public Service in 1999, Justin played professional basketball both nationally and internationally, representing Australia on a number of occasions.

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