Sarah M. Pickman是耶魯大學科學和醫學史項目的博士生,他有一顆好奇心,並熱衷於為探索和科學旅行的歷史帶來獨特的視角。
Pickman 說:「作為一名碩士生,我開始著迷於探險家如何為他們的探險活動打包,以及他們為什麼要帶特定的食物、洗漱用品、衣服和其他用品。」因此,在我的博士課程中,我決定專注於19和20世紀極端環境下的探險歷史,從他們如何計劃到探險家希望從他們的旅程中獲得的信息類型。
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
Some text in the Modal Body
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