The Current Protocols collection includes nearly 25,000 step-by-step techniques and procedures that provide researchers with the reliable methods they need to reproducible results and pave the way for scientific discovery. Today we have 17 comprehensive collections ranging from Essential Laboratory Techniques for training undergraduate students to resources for developing as a scientist, like our flagship title, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology.
A single Current Protocols article is more than just a p rotocol: it often includes a c ollection of related protocols (basic, alternate, support). To make them easy to follow, Current Protocols features numbered steps, flow charts, illustrations, results, recipes, background, explanations, and advice.
Current Protocols is great for institutions with large research programs to keep discovery efficient and consistent. It is also essential for smaller institutions that may lack breadth of expertise in-house so they can build on a larger body of knowledge without wasting time. Students, technicians, and post-docs will find Current Protocols invaluable for their bench work. Lab heads, principal investigators, and department chairs will find Current Protocols useful for grant writing and budgeting, and for planning long-term research projects.