Digital Archives Program Director, Wiley
After several years in legal publishing with WestLaw, Ray entered the world of academic publishing in 2000, working for Charles Scribner’s Sons and Macmillan Reference USA, as an editor developing print reference sets. This work evolved into a role as product manager for newly-emerging publishing platforms during the transition from print to digital. Ray built and managed library databases which integrated content from proprietary, licensed, and public domain sources into digital resource centers, which served the needs of students and faculty, primarily in history and literature.In 2002, Ray began working on the digitization of primary source collections for Cengage Learning, developing and maintaining relationships with over 350 libraries and archives around the world to identify, catalog, conserve, digitize, and make accessible their unique and valuable content for education and research through library databases, as publisher for the Gale Primary Sources program.At Wiley, Ray is developing a new program to digitize and make available the unique content from Wiley’s journal publishing partners, and from other learned societies, archives, and libraries around the world. This includes working at the intersection of digital primary source collections and the emerging needs of students, libraries, faculty, and researchers in the digital humanities, to make data sets and content available in ways that tie to institutional needs and outcomes.Ray is also a student at Columbia University, and lives with his family in Brooklyn, NY.