Dr. Bryan Howieson


Australian Accounting Review

Bryan Howieson PhD FCPA FAFAANZ is Associate Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Adelaide. He has held prior positions at the Adelaide Graduate School of Business and the Universities of South Australia and Western Australia. His teaching and research interests relate primarily to financial reporting and accounting standard setting but he also has strong interests in accounting education, professional ethics and corporate governance. Bryan has published extensively including a monograph on accounting for investment property for the Australian Accounting Research Foundation and papers in academic and professional journals including The British Accounting Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, The Australian Journal of Management, Accounting and Finance, and the Australian Accounting Review. In addition he is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the electronic journal Financial Reporting, Regulation and Governance and he is on the editorial board of Accounting Education: An International Journal. Bryan has had a long association with accounting standards setting in Australia including acting as an alternate member of Australia's Urgent Issues Group and he is currently on the Australian Accounting Standards Board's register of potential members for its Project Advisory Panels. He has undertaken a number of consultancies in the private and public sectors in the areas of financial reporting and codes of conduct. Bryan was on the Board of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand where he was the President (Australia) and had previously held the portfolios of Practice and Treasurer. In addition, he was Vice-President-at-Large of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research. Bryan was a member of CPA Australia's 'Member of the Future' committee and serves on CPA Australia's South Australian Divisional Council where he is currently State President.

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